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Implementation of the sqly migration commands. See the CLI Usage document for more information about usage.

Migration dataclass

Represents a single migration.


Name Type Description Default
app str

The name of the app (module) that owns the Migration.

ts int

(YYYYmmddHHMMSSfff) An integer representing the timestamp when the migration was created (millisecond resolution).

name str

The (optional) name of the migration provides a short description.

depends list[str]

A list of migrations (keys) that this migration depends on.

applied Optional[datetime]

If the migration has been applied, the datetime.

doc Optional[str]

A document string describing the migration.

up list[str]

a list of SQL statements implementing the “forward” migration.

dn list[str]

a list of SQL statements implementing the “reverse” migration.

Source code in sqly/
class Migration:
    Represents a single migration.

        app (str): The name of the app (module) that owns the Migration.
        ts (int): (`YYYYmmddHHMMSSfff`) An integer representing the timestamp when the
            migration was created (millisecond resolution).
        name (str): The (optional) name of the migration provides a short description.
        depends (list[str]): A list of migrations (keys) that this migration depends on.
        applied (Optional[datetime]): If the migration has been applied, the datetime.
        doc (Optional[str]): A document string describing the migration.
        up (list[str]): a list of SQL statements implementing the "forward" migration.
        dn (list[str]): a list of SQL statements implementing the "reverse" migration.

    app: str
    ts: int = field(default_factory=migration_timestamp)
    name: str = field(default_factory=str)
    depends: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    applied: Optional[datetime] = None
    doc: Optional[str] = None
    up: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    dn: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    data: dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]] = field(default_factory=dict)

    def __post_init__(self):
        # replace non-word characters in the name with an underscore = re.sub(r"[\W_]+", "_", or "")

        # ensure that list attributes are lists (such as when loaded from sqlite3)
        for key in ["depends", "up", "dn"]:
            if not self.__dict__[key]:
                self.__dict__[key] = []
            elif isinstance(self.__dict__[key], str):
                self.__dict__[key] = json.loads(self.__dict__[key])
                self.__dict__[key] = list(self.__dict__[key])

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            + "("
            + ", ".join(
                f"{key}={getattr(self, key)!r}" for key in ["key", "depends", "applied"]
            + ")"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """The string representation of the Migration is the instance as YAML."""
        return self.yaml()

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        """The unique hash is based on the Migration.key."""
        return uuid.uuid3(SQLY_UUID_NAMESPACE, self.key).int

    def dict(
        self, exclude: Optional[list] = None, exclude_none: bool = False
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        The Migration serialized as a dict.

            exclude (Optional[list]): A list of fields to exclude.
            exclude_none (bool): Whether to exclude fields with value None.
        return {
            key: val
            for key, val in asdict(self).items()
            if key not in (exclude or []) and (exclude_none is False or val is not None)

    def key(self):
        The Migration.key uniquely identifies the migration.
        Format = `{app}:{ts}_{name}`
        return f"{}:{self.ts}_{}"

    def filename(self):
        """The filename (without path) for the Migration"""
        return f"{self.ts}_{}.yaml"

    def load(cls, filepath: Path) -> Migration:
        Load the migration at the given file path.
        with open(filepath) as f:
            data = yaml.safe_load(

        return cls(**data)

    def key_load(cls, migration_key: str) -> Migration:
        """Load the Migration that has the given key."""
        return cls.load(cls.key_filepath(migration_key))

    def key_filepath(cls, migration_key: str) -> Path:
        """The file path of the Migration that has the given key.

            migration_key (str): The Migration key

            file path (Path): The files file of the Migration
        app, basename = migration_key.split(":")
        return app_migrations_path(app) / f"{basename}.yaml"

    def app_migrations(
        cls, app: str, include_depends: bool = True
    ) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
        For a given module name, get the migrations in that module. If `include_depends`
        is `True` (the default), also include depends migrations from other apps.

            app (str): The name of the app (module) for which to list migrations.
            include_depends (bool): Whether to include dependency Migrations in the

            migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations, by key.
        migration_filenames = glob(str(app_migrations_path(app) / "*.yaml"))
        migrations = {
            m.key: m
            for m in set(cls.load(filename) for filename in migration_filenames)
        if include_depends is True:
            dependencies = {}
            for migration in migrations.values():
                dependencies |= migration.depends_migrations()

            migrations |= dependencies

        return migrations

    def all_migrations(cls, *apps: list[str]) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
        Return all the migrations, including dependencies, for the given app(s).

            apps (list[str]): The app or apps for which to list Migrations.

            migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations, by key.
        # always depend on sqly
        migrations = cls.app_migrations("sqly")
        for app in [app for app in apps if app not in ["sqly"]]:
            migrations |= cls.app_migrations(app, include_depends=True)

        return migrations

    def create(
        cls, app: str, *other_apps: list[str], name: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> Migration:
        Create a new Migration object for the given app (module) name. The new Migration
        is not saved to the filesystem: It is just a Migration instance in memory.

        Every new migration automatically depends on all the "leaf" nodes in the
        existing migration graph. Leaf nodes are those with out_degree == 0 (no edges
        pointing out). See:
        For a worked example, see:

        NOTE: The existing migration graph is calculated from the filesystem, not what
        is applied in any database. Migrations from other branches might currently be
        applied in the database; but for the purpose of creating a Migration graph, the
        filesystem is the source of truth.

            app (str): The name of the app for which to create the new Migration.
            other_apps (list[str]): The other apps to include in the dependency graph.
            name (Optional[str]): The name (label) for the migration. Default = `""`.

            migration (Migration): The Migration that has just been created.
        migrations = cls.all_migrations(app, *other_apps)
        graph = cls.graph(migrations)
        depends = [node for node in graph.nodes() if graph.out_degree(node) == 0]
        migration = cls(
        return migration

    def database_migrations(
        cls, connection: Any, dialect: Dialect
    ) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
        Query the database with the given `connection` and return a dict of the
        Migrations in the database, by key. If no Migrations have been applied in the
        database, the result is an empty dict.

            connection (Any): A database connection.

            migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations by key.
        if dialect.must_async:
            sql = ASQL(dialect=dialect)
            sql = SQL(dialect=dialect)

            records = lib.gen(, "select * from sqly_migrations"))

        except Exception as exc:
            records = []

        return {m.key: m for m in set(cls(**record) for record in records)}

    def migrate(
        connection: Any,
        dialect: Dialect,
        migration: Migration,
        dryrun: bool = False,
        Migrate the database to this migration, either up or down, using the given
        database connection.


        1. Collate the list of applied migrations in the database with the list of
           migrations available in this application. Give precedence to the file
           definitions in the application.

        2. Calculate the graph path to reach this migration and whether this is an "up"
           or "down" migration.
            - if this migration has not been applied to the database, then the graph
              path is from the last applied predecessor "up" to this migration.
            - if this migration has been applied to the database, then the graph path is
              from the last applied successor "down" to this migration.

        3. Apply the sequence of migrations (either up or down).

        [_What about situations in which the path to the given Migration includes both
        "down" Migrations to back out of another branch and "up" Migrations preceding
        the given Migration on its branch? Our current solution is to ignore "other"
        branches and only migrate from the last applied predecessor._]

            connection (Any): A database connection. dialect (Dialect): The SQL database
            migration (Migration): The Migration that we are migrating _to_. dryrun
            (bool): Whether this is a dry run.
        db_migrations = cls.database_migrations(connection, dialect)
        all_migrations = cls.all_migrations(
        migrations = db_migrations | all_migrations
        graph = cls.graph(migrations)

        if migration.key not in db_migrations:
            # apply 'up' migrations for all ancestors and this migration
            subgraph = nx.subgraph(graph, migration.ancestors(graph) | {migration.key})
            for key in nx.lexicographical_topological_sort(subgraph):
                if key not in db_migrations:
                        connection, dialect, direction="up", dryrun=dryrun
            # apply 'dn' migrations for all descendants in reverse
            subgraph = nx.subgraph(graph, migration.descendants(graph))
            for key in reversed(list(nx.lexicographical_topological_sort(subgraph))):
                if key in db_migrations:
                        connection, dialect, direction="dn", dryrun=dryrun

    def depends_migrations(self) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
        All migrations that this migration depends on, recursively.

            migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations by key.
        dependencies = {}
        for depend in self.depends:
            migration = self.key_load(depend)
            dependencies |= {depend: migration} | migration.depends_migrations()
        return dependencies

    def graph(cls, migrations: Mapping[str, Migration]) -> nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph:
        Given a mapping of Migrations, create a dependency graph of Migrations. The
        resulting graph is a DAG (directed acyclic graph) that is a [transitive
        reduction]( of the Migrations
        graph. If the graph is not a DAG (e.g., it has cycles) then a networkx.HasACycle
        exception is raised.

            migrations (Mapping[str, Migration]): A mapping of Migrations by key.

            graph (nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph): A networkx DiGraph of the Migrations.
        graph = nx.DiGraph()
        dag = {key: migrations[key].depends for key in migrations}
        for migration_key, migration_depends in dag.items():
            for depend in migration_depends:
                graph.add_edge(depend, migration_key)

        if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph):
            raise nx.HasACycle(dag)

        return nx.transitive_reduction(graph)

    def ancestors(self, graph: nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        Given a Migration and a graph, return the set of all ancestors of this
        Migration. If this Migration is not in the given graph, a NetworkXError
        Exception is raised.

            graph (nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph): A graph of Migrations including this

            migration keys (set): The set of migrations (keys) that are ancestors.
        return nx.ancestors(graph, self.key)

    def descendants(self, graph: nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        Given a Migration and a graph, return the set of all descendants of this
        Migration. If this Migration is not in the given graph, a NetworkXError
        Exception is raised.

            graph (nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph): A graph of Migrations including this

            migration keys (set): The set of migrations (keys) that are ancestors.
        return nx.descendants(graph, self.key)

    def yaml(self, exclude: Optional[list] = None, exclude_none: bool = False) -> str:
        Serialize this Migration as a YAML string.

            exclude (Optional[list]): A list of fields to exclude.
            exclude_none (bool): Whether to exclude fields with value None.
        return yaml.dump(
            self.dict(exclude=exclude, exclude_none=exclude_none),

    def save(self, exclude: Optional[list] = None, exclude_none: bool = False):
        Save this Migration to the filesystem.

            exclude (Optional[list]): A list of fields to exclude.
            exclude_none (bool): Whether to exclude fields with value None.

            tuple (filepath, size): The filepath where the Migration was saved, and its
                size in bytes.
        filepath = app_migrations_path( / self.filename
        os.makedirs(filepath.parent, exist_ok=True)
        with open(filepath, "wb") as f:
            size = f.write(
                self.yaml(exclude=exclude, exclude_none=exclude_none).encode()

        return filepath, size

    def apply(
        connection: Any,
        dialect: Dialect,
        direction: str = "up",
        dryrun: bool = False,
        Apply the migration (direction = 'up' or 'dn') to connection database. The
        entire migration script is wrapped in a transaction. (This method is called
        internally by `Migration.migrate()`).

            connection (Any): A database connection.
            dialect (Dialect): The SQL dialect of the database connection.
            direction (str): Which migration to apply: "up" or "dn".
            dryrun (bool): Whether this is a dry run.
        print(self.key, direction, end=" ... ")

        if dryrun:
            print("DRY RUN")

        migration_queries = getattr(self, direction)
        if migration_queries:
            for migration_query in migration_queries:

        if direction == "up":
            sqly_migrations_query = self.insert_query(dialect)
            # if there is data, load it
            for table, records in
                for record in records:
                    query = SQL(dialect=dialect).render(
                        queries.INSERT(table, record), record

            # TODO? if there is data, delete it?
            sqly_migrations_query = self.delete_query(dialect)*sqly_migrations_query))


    def insert_query(self, dialect: Dialect) -> Any:
        Render a SQL query to insert this Migration into the sqly_migrations table.

            dialect (Dialect): The SQL database dialect to render the query for.

            tuple (str, params...): The SQL query and params formatted for the database
        data = {k: v for k, v in self.dict(exclude_none=True).items()}
        data["depends"] = json.dumps(data.get("depends") or [])
        data["up"] = json.dumps(data.get("up") or [])
        data["dn"] = json.dumps(data.get("dn") or [])
        if "data" in data:
        sql = queries.INSERT("sqly_migrations", data)
        return SQL(dialect=dialect).render(sql, data)

    def delete_query(self, dialect):
        Render a SQL query to delete this Migration from the sqly_migrations table.

            dialect (Dialect): The SQL database dialect to render the query for.

            tuple (str, params...): The SQL query and params formatted for the database
        sql = queries.DELETE(
            "sqly_migrations", [Q.filter(key) for key in ["app", "ts", "name"]]
        return SQL(dialect=dialect).render(sql, self.dict())

filename property readonly

The filename (without path) for the Migration

key property readonly

The Migration.key uniquely identifies the migration. Format = {app}:{ts}_{name}

__hash__(self) special

The unique hash is based on the Migration.key.

Source code in sqly/
def __hash__(self) -> int:
    """The unique hash is based on the Migration.key."""
    return uuid.uuid3(SQLY_UUID_NAMESPACE, self.key).int

__str__(self) special

The string representation of the Migration is the instance as YAML.

Source code in sqly/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """The string representation of the Migration is the instance as YAML."""
    return self.yaml()

all_migrations(*apps) classmethod

Return all the migrations, including dependencies, for the given app(s).


Name Type Description Default
apps list[str]

The app or apps for which to list Migrations.



Type Description
migrations (dict[str, Migration])

A dict of Migrations, by key.

Source code in sqly/
def all_migrations(cls, *apps: list[str]) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
    Return all the migrations, including dependencies, for the given app(s).

        apps (list[str]): The app or apps for which to list Migrations.

        migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations, by key.
    # always depend on sqly
    migrations = cls.app_migrations("sqly")
    for app in [app for app in apps if app not in ["sqly"]]:
        migrations |= cls.app_migrations(app, include_depends=True)

    return migrations

ancestors(self, graph)

Given a Migration and a graph, return the set of all ancestors of this Migration. If this Migration is not in the given graph, a NetworkXError Exception is raised.


Name Type Description Default
graph nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph

A graph of Migrations including this one.



Type Description
migration keys (set)

The set of migrations (keys) that are ancestors.

Source code in sqly/
def ancestors(self, graph: nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph) -> AbstractSet[str]:
    Given a Migration and a graph, return the set of all ancestors of this
    Migration. If this Migration is not in the given graph, a NetworkXError
    Exception is raised.

        graph (nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph): A graph of Migrations including this

        migration keys (set): The set of migrations (keys) that are ancestors.
    return nx.ancestors(graph, self.key)

app_migrations(app, include_depends=True) classmethod

For a given module name, get the migrations in that module. If include_depends is True (the default), also include depends migrations from other apps.


Name Type Description Default
app str

The name of the app (module) for which to list migrations.

include_depends bool

Whether to include dependency Migrations in the listing.



Type Description
migrations (dict[str, Migration])

A dict of Migrations, by key.

Source code in sqly/
def app_migrations(
    cls, app: str, include_depends: bool = True
) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
    For a given module name, get the migrations in that module. If `include_depends`
    is `True` (the default), also include depends migrations from other apps.

        app (str): The name of the app (module) for which to list migrations.
        include_depends (bool): Whether to include dependency Migrations in the

        migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations, by key.
    migration_filenames = glob(str(app_migrations_path(app) / "*.yaml"))
    migrations = {
        m.key: m
        for m in set(cls.load(filename) for filename in migration_filenames)
    if include_depends is True:
        dependencies = {}
        for migration in migrations.values():
            dependencies |= migration.depends_migrations()

        migrations |= dependencies

    return migrations

apply(self, connection, dialect, direction='up', dryrun=False)

Apply the migration (direction = ‘up’ or ‘dn’) to connection database. The entire migration script is wrapped in a transaction. (This method is called internally by Migration.migrate()).


Name Type Description Default
connection Any

A database connection.

dialect Dialect

The SQL dialect of the database connection.

direction str

Which migration to apply: “up” or “dn”.

dryrun bool

Whether this is a dry run.

Source code in sqly/
def apply(
    connection: Any,
    dialect: Dialect,
    direction: str = "up",
    dryrun: bool = False,
    Apply the migration (direction = 'up' or 'dn') to connection database. The
    entire migration script is wrapped in a transaction. (This method is called
    internally by `Migration.migrate()`).

        connection (Any): A database connection.
        dialect (Dialect): The SQL dialect of the database connection.
        direction (str): Which migration to apply: "up" or "dn".
        dryrun (bool): Whether this is a dry run.
    print(self.key, direction, end=" ... ")

    if dryrun:
        print("DRY RUN")

    migration_queries = getattr(self, direction)
    if migration_queries:
        for migration_query in migration_queries:

    if direction == "up":
        sqly_migrations_query = self.insert_query(dialect)
        # if there is data, load it
        for table, records in
            for record in records:
                query = SQL(dialect=dialect).render(
                    queries.INSERT(table, record), record

        # TODO? if there is data, delete it?
        sqly_migrations_query = self.delete_query(dialect)*sqly_migrations_query))


create(app, *other_apps, *, name=None) classmethod

Create a new Migration object for the given app (module) name. The new Migration is not saved to the filesystem: It is just a Migration instance in memory.

Every new migration automatically depends on all the “leaf” nodes in the existing migration graph. Leaf nodes are those with out_degree == 0 (no edges pointing out). See: For a worked example, see:

NOTE: The existing migration graph is calculated from the filesystem, not what is applied in any database. Migrations from other branches might currently be applied in the database; but for the purpose of creating a Migration graph, the filesystem is the source of truth.


Name Type Description Default
app str

The name of the app for which to create the new Migration.

other_apps list[str]

The other apps to include in the dependency graph.

name Optional[str]

The name (label) for the migration. Default = "".



Type Description
migration (Migration)

The Migration that has just been created.

Source code in sqly/
def create(
    cls, app: str, *other_apps: list[str], name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Migration:
    Create a new Migration object for the given app (module) name. The new Migration
    is not saved to the filesystem: It is just a Migration instance in memory.

    Every new migration automatically depends on all the "leaf" nodes in the
    existing migration graph. Leaf nodes are those with out_degree == 0 (no edges
    pointing out). See:
    For a worked example, see:

    NOTE: The existing migration graph is calculated from the filesystem, not what
    is applied in any database. Migrations from other branches might currently be
    applied in the database; but for the purpose of creating a Migration graph, the
    filesystem is the source of truth.

        app (str): The name of the app for which to create the new Migration.
        other_apps (list[str]): The other apps to include in the dependency graph.
        name (Optional[str]): The name (label) for the migration. Default = `""`.

        migration (Migration): The Migration that has just been created.
    migrations = cls.all_migrations(app, *other_apps)
    graph = cls.graph(migrations)
    depends = [node for node in graph.nodes() if graph.out_degree(node) == 0]
    migration = cls(
    return migration

database_migrations(connection, dialect) classmethod

Query the database with the given connection and return a dict of the Migrations in the database, by key. If no Migrations have been applied in the database, the result is an empty dict.


Name Type Description Default
connection Any

A database connection.



Type Description
migrations (dict[str, Migration])

A dict of Migrations by key.

Source code in sqly/
def database_migrations(
    cls, connection: Any, dialect: Dialect
) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
    Query the database with the given `connection` and return a dict of the
    Migrations in the database, by key. If no Migrations have been applied in the
    database, the result is an empty dict.

        connection (Any): A database connection.

        migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations by key.
    if dialect.must_async:
        sql = ASQL(dialect=dialect)
        sql = SQL(dialect=dialect)

        records = lib.gen(, "select * from sqly_migrations"))

    except Exception as exc:
        records = []

    return {m.key: m for m in set(cls(**record) for record in records)}

delete_query(self, dialect)

Render a SQL query to delete this Migration from the sqly_migrations table.


Name Type Description Default
dialect Dialect

The SQL database dialect to render the query for.



Type Description
tuple (str, params...)

The SQL query and params formatted for the database dialect.

Source code in sqly/
def delete_query(self, dialect):
    Render a SQL query to delete this Migration from the sqly_migrations table.

        dialect (Dialect): The SQL database dialect to render the query for.

        tuple (str, params...): The SQL query and params formatted for the database
    sql = queries.DELETE(
        "sqly_migrations", [Q.filter(key) for key in ["app", "ts", "name"]]
    return SQL(dialect=dialect).render(sql, self.dict())


All migrations that this migration depends on, recursively.


Type Description
migrations (dict[str, Migration])

A dict of Migrations by key.

Source code in sqly/
def depends_migrations(self) -> Dict[str, Migration]:
    All migrations that this migration depends on, recursively.

        migrations (dict[str, Migration]): A dict of Migrations by key.
    dependencies = {}
    for depend in self.depends:
        migration = self.key_load(depend)
        dependencies |= {depend: migration} | migration.depends_migrations()
    return dependencies

descendants(self, graph)

Given a Migration and a graph, return the set of all descendants of this Migration. If this Migration is not in the given graph, a NetworkXError Exception is raised.


Name Type Description Default
graph nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph

A graph of Migrations including this one.



Type Description
migration keys (set)

The set of migrations (keys) that are ancestors.

Source code in sqly/
def descendants(self, graph: nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph) -> AbstractSet[str]:
    Given a Migration and a graph, return the set of all descendants of this
    Migration. If this Migration is not in the given graph, a NetworkXError
    Exception is raised.

        graph (nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph): A graph of Migrations including this

        migration keys (set): The set of migrations (keys) that are ancestors.
    return nx.descendants(graph, self.key)

dict(self, exclude=None, exclude_none=False)

The Migration serialized as a dict.


Name Type Description Default
exclude Optional[list]

A list of fields to exclude.

exclude_none bool

Whether to exclude fields with value None.

Source code in sqly/
def dict(
    self, exclude: Optional[list] = None, exclude_none: bool = False
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    The Migration serialized as a dict.

        exclude (Optional[list]): A list of fields to exclude.
        exclude_none (bool): Whether to exclude fields with value None.
    return {
        key: val
        for key, val in asdict(self).items()
        if key not in (exclude or []) and (exclude_none is False or val is not None)

graph(migrations) classmethod

Given a mapping of Migrations, create a dependency graph of Migrations. The resulting graph is a DAG (directed acyclic graph) that is a transitive reduction of the Migrations graph. If the graph is not a DAG (e.g., it has cycles) then a networkx.HasACycle exception is raised.


Name Type Description Default
migrations Mapping[str, Migration]

A mapping of Migrations by key.



Type Description
graph (nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph)

A networkx DiGraph of the Migrations.

Source code in sqly/
def graph(cls, migrations: Mapping[str, Migration]) -> nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph:
    Given a mapping of Migrations, create a dependency graph of Migrations. The
    resulting graph is a DAG (directed acyclic graph) that is a [transitive
    reduction]( of the Migrations
    graph. If the graph is not a DAG (e.g., it has cycles) then a networkx.HasACycle
    exception is raised.

        migrations (Mapping[str, Migration]): A mapping of Migrations by key.

        graph (nx.classes.digraph.DiGraph): A networkx DiGraph of the Migrations.
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    dag = {key: migrations[key].depends for key in migrations}
    for migration_key, migration_depends in dag.items():
        for depend in migration_depends:
            graph.add_edge(depend, migration_key)

    if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph):
        raise nx.HasACycle(dag)

    return nx.transitive_reduction(graph)

insert_query(self, dialect)

Render a SQL query to insert this Migration into the sqly_migrations table.


Name Type Description Default
dialect Dialect

The SQL database dialect to render the query for.



Type Description
tuple (str, params...)

The SQL query and params formatted for the database dialect.

Source code in sqly/
def insert_query(self, dialect: Dialect) -> Any:
    Render a SQL query to insert this Migration into the sqly_migrations table.

        dialect (Dialect): The SQL database dialect to render the query for.

        tuple (str, params...): The SQL query and params formatted for the database
    data = {k: v for k, v in self.dict(exclude_none=True).items()}
    data["depends"] = json.dumps(data.get("depends") or [])
    data["up"] = json.dumps(data.get("up") or [])
    data["dn"] = json.dumps(data.get("dn") or [])
    if "data" in data:
    sql = queries.INSERT("sqly_migrations", data)
    return SQL(dialect=dialect).render(sql, data)

key_filepath(migration_key) classmethod

The file path of the Migration that has the given key.


Name Type Description Default
migration_key str

The Migration key



Type Description
file path (Path)

The files file of the Migration

Source code in sqly/
def key_filepath(cls, migration_key: str) -> Path:
    """The file path of the Migration that has the given key.

        migration_key (str): The Migration key

        file path (Path): The files file of the Migration
    app, basename = migration_key.split(":")
    return app_migrations_path(app) / f"{basename}.yaml"

key_load(migration_key) classmethod

Load the Migration that has the given key.

Source code in sqly/
def key_load(cls, migration_key: str) -> Migration:
    """Load the Migration that has the given key."""
    return cls.load(cls.key_filepath(migration_key))

load(filepath) classmethod

Load the migration at the given file path.

Source code in sqly/
def load(cls, filepath: Path) -> Migration:
    Load the migration at the given file path.
    with open(filepath) as f:
        data = yaml.safe_load(

    return cls(**data)

migrate(connection, dialect, migration, dryrun=False) classmethod

Migrate the database to this migration, either up or down, using the given database connection.


  1. Collate the list of applied migrations in the database with the list of migrations available in this application. Give precedence to the file definitions in the application.

  2. Calculate the graph path to reach this migration and whether this is an “up” or “down” migration.

    • if this migration has not been applied to the database, then the graph path is from the last applied predecessor “up” to this migration.
    • if this migration has been applied to the database, then the graph path is from the last applied successor “down” to this migration.
  3. Apply the sequence of migrations (either up or down).

[What about situations in which the path to the given Migration includes both “down” Migrations to back out of another branch and “up” Migrations preceding the given Migration on its branch? Our current solution is to ignore “other” branches and only migrate from the last applied predecessor.]


Name Type Description Default
connection Any

A database connection. dialect (Dialect): The SQL database

migration Migration

The Migration that we are migrating to. dryrun


Whether this is a dry run.

Source code in sqly/
def migrate(
    connection: Any,
    dialect: Dialect,
    migration: Migration,
    dryrun: bool = False,
    Migrate the database to this migration, either up or down, using the given
    database connection.


    1. Collate the list of applied migrations in the database with the list of
       migrations available in this application. Give precedence to the file
       definitions in the application.

    2. Calculate the graph path to reach this migration and whether this is an "up"
       or "down" migration.
        - if this migration has not been applied to the database, then the graph
          path is from the last applied predecessor "up" to this migration.
        - if this migration has been applied to the database, then the graph path is
          from the last applied successor "down" to this migration.

    3. Apply the sequence of migrations (either up or down).

    [_What about situations in which the path to the given Migration includes both
    "down" Migrations to back out of another branch and "up" Migrations preceding
    the given Migration on its branch? Our current solution is to ignore "other"
    branches and only migrate from the last applied predecessor._]

        connection (Any): A database connection. dialect (Dialect): The SQL database
        migration (Migration): The Migration that we are migrating _to_. dryrun
        (bool): Whether this is a dry run.
    db_migrations = cls.database_migrations(connection, dialect)
    all_migrations = cls.all_migrations(
    migrations = db_migrations | all_migrations
    graph = cls.graph(migrations)

    if migration.key not in db_migrations:
        # apply 'up' migrations for all ancestors and this migration
        subgraph = nx.subgraph(graph, migration.ancestors(graph) | {migration.key})
        for key in nx.lexicographical_topological_sort(subgraph):
            if key not in db_migrations:
                    connection, dialect, direction="up", dryrun=dryrun
        # apply 'dn' migrations for all descendants in reverse
        subgraph = nx.subgraph(graph, migration.descendants(graph))
        for key in reversed(list(nx.lexicographical_topological_sort(subgraph))):
            if key in db_migrations:
                    connection, dialect, direction="dn", dryrun=dryrun

save(self, exclude=None, exclude_none=False)

Save this Migration to the filesystem.


Name Type Description Default
exclude Optional[list]

A list of fields to exclude.

exclude_none bool

Whether to exclude fields with value None.



Type Description
tuple (filepath, size)

The filepath where the Migration was saved, and its size in bytes.

Source code in sqly/
def save(self, exclude: Optional[list] = None, exclude_none: bool = False):
    Save this Migration to the filesystem.

        exclude (Optional[list]): A list of fields to exclude.
        exclude_none (bool): Whether to exclude fields with value None.

        tuple (filepath, size): The filepath where the Migration was saved, and its
            size in bytes.
    filepath = app_migrations_path( / self.filename
    os.makedirs(filepath.parent, exist_ok=True)
    with open(filepath, "wb") as f:
        size = f.write(
            self.yaml(exclude=exclude, exclude_none=exclude_none).encode()

    return filepath, size

yaml(self, exclude=None, exclude_none=False)

Serialize this Migration as a YAML string.


Name Type Description Default
exclude Optional[list]

A list of fields to exclude.

exclude_none bool

Whether to exclude fields with value None.

Source code in sqly/
def yaml(self, exclude: Optional[list] = None, exclude_none: bool = False) -> str:
    Serialize this Migration as a YAML string.

        exclude (Optional[list]): A list of fields to exclude.
        exclude_none (bool): Whether to exclude fields with value None.
    return yaml.dump(
        self.dict(exclude=exclude, exclude_none=exclude_none),


For a given app name, get the path to its migrations directory.

Source code in sqly/
def app_migrations_path(app):
    For a given app name, get the path to its migrations directory.
    mod = import_module(app)
    mod_filepath = Path(next(iter(mod.__path__)))
    return mod_filepath / "migrations"


Return an integer with the UTC timestamp to millisecond resolution (17 digits => bigint)

Source code in sqly/
def migration_timestamp():
    Return an integer with the UTC timestamp to millisecond resolution (17 digits => bigint)
    return int("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")[:-3])