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Source code in sqly/
class ASQL(SQL):
    async def execute(
        self, connection: Any, query: str | Iterator, data: Optional[Mapping] = None
            cursor = await connection.execute(*self.render(query, data))
        except Exception as exc:
            # If the connection is a cursor, get the underlying connection to rollback,
            # because cursors don't have a rollback method.
            if hasattr(connection, "rollback"):
                    await connection.rollback()
                except Exception:
            raise exc

        return cursor

    async def select(
        connection: Any,
        query: str | Iterator,
        data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
        cursor = await self.execute(connection, query, data)
        fields = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
        async for row in cursor:
            yield Constructor(**dict(zip(fields, row)))

    async def select_one(
        connection: Any,
        query: str | Iterator,
        data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
        records =
            connection=connection, query=query, data=data, Constructor=Constructor
        async for record in records:
            return record

    async def select_all(
        connection: Any,
        query: str | Iterator,
        data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
        records = []
        async for record in
            connection=connection, query=query, data=data, Constructor=Constructor

        return records

execute(self, connection, query, data=None) async

Execute the given query on the connection and return the connection cursor.

If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.

If .execute() is called with a previously-generated cursor, that cursor will be reused and the same cursor returned from the method call.


Name Type Description Default
connection Connection | Cursor

A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection or cursor.

query str | Iterator

A query that will be rendered with the given data.

data Optional[Mapping]

A data mapping that will be rendered as params with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.



Type Description
cursor (Cursor)

A DB-API 2.0 compliant database cursor.

Source code in sqly/
async def execute(
    self, connection: Any, query: str | Iterator, data: Optional[Mapping] = None
        cursor = await connection.execute(*self.render(query, data))
    except Exception as exc:
        # If the connection is a cursor, get the underlying connection to rollback,
        # because cursors don't have a rollback method.
        if hasattr(connection, "rollback"):
                await connection.rollback()
            except Exception:
        raise exc

    return cursor

select(self, connection, query, data=None, Constructor=<class 'dict'>)

Execute the given query on the connection, and yield result records.

The .select() method is a generator which iterates over a native database cursor. The results of the method can be cast to a list via list(...) or can be iterated through one at a time.

If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.


Name Type Description Default
connection Connection | Cursor

A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection or cursor.

query str | Iterator

A query that will be rendered with the given data.

data Optional[Mapping]

A data mapping that will be rendered as params with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.

Constructor class

A constructor to use to build records from the results. The constructor must take the results of zip(keys, values) as its argument.

<class 'dict'>


Type Description
record (Mapping)

A mapping object that contains a database record.

Source code in sqly/
async def select(
    connection: Any,
    query: str | Iterator,
    data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
    cursor = await self.execute(connection, query, data)
    fields = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
    async for row in cursor:
        yield Constructor(**dict(zip(fields, row)))

SQL dataclass

Render and execute SQL queries with a given database dialect. All queries are rendered according to the requirements of that dialect.

  • Create queries using the ergonomic “named” parameter format (:key).
  • render() the query to the parameter format native to the current database Dialect.
  • Use the execute() and select() query methods to render() and execute queries with “named” parameters on the given database connection.


Name Type Description Default
dialect Dialect

The SQL dialect used by this database.



  • render(): Render a query and accompanying data to database Dialect-native form.
  • execute(): Execute a query on the given connection.
  • select(): Execute a query and select the results as record objects.


Initialize the SQL and Connection instances:

>>> import sqlite3
>>> from sqly import SQL
>>> connection = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
>>> sql = SQL(dialect="sqlite")

Create a table to make queries with:

>>> cursor = sql.execute(connection,
...     "CREATE TABLE widgets (id int, sku varchar)")

Insert a widget:

>>> widget = {"id": 1, "sku": "COG-01"}
>>> cursor = sql.execute(cursor,  # <-- cursor can be re-used
...     "INSERT INTO widgets VALUES (:id, :sku)", widget)
>>> connection.commit()

Select matching widgets:

>>> records =,
...     "SELECT * FROM widgets WHERE sku like :sku", {"sku": "COG-%"})
>>> for record in records: print(record)
{'id': 1, 'sku': 'COG-01'}
Source code in sqly/
class SQL:
    Render and execute SQL queries with a given database dialect. All queries are
    rendered according to the requirements of that dialect.

    * Create queries using the ergonomic "named" parameter format (:key).
    * `render()` the query to the parameter format native to the current database
    * Use the `execute()` and `select()` query methods to `render()` and execute queries
      with "named" parameters on the given database connection.

        dialect (Dialect): The SQL [dialect]( used by this database.


    * [render()](./#sqly.sql.SQL.render): Render a query and accompanying data to
      database Dialect-native form.
    * [execute()](./#sqly.sql.SQL.execute): Execute a query on the given connection.
    * [select()](./ Execute a query and select the results as
        record objects.

        Initialize the SQL and Connection instances:

        >>> import sqlite3
        >>> from sqly import SQL
        >>> connection = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
        >>> sql = SQL(dialect="sqlite")

        Create a table to make queries with:

        >>> cursor = sql.execute(connection,
        ...     "CREATE TABLE widgets (id int, sku varchar)")

        Insert a widget:

        >>> widget = {"id": 1, "sku": "COG-01"}
        >>> cursor = sql.execute(cursor,  # <-- cursor can be re-used
        ...     "INSERT INTO widgets VALUES (:id, :sku)", widget)
        >>> connection.commit()

        Select matching widgets:

        >>> records =,
        ...     "SELECT * FROM widgets WHERE sku like :sku", {"sku": "COG-%"})
        >>> for record in records: print(record)
        {'id': 1, 'sku': 'COG-01'}


    dialect: Dialect
    queries = queries
    Q = Q

    def __post_init__(self):
        if not isinstance(self.dialect, Dialect):
            self.dialect = Dialect(self.dialect)

    def render(self, query, data=None):
        Render a query string and its parameters for this SQL dialect.

            query (str | Iterator): a string or iterator of strings.
            data (Mapping): a keyword dict used to render the query parameters.

            (str): the rendered query string.
            (tuple | dict): depends on the param format:

                - positional param formats (QMARK, NUMBERED) return a tuple of values
                - named param formats (NAMED, PYFORMAT) return a dict
        # ordered list of fields for positional outputs (closure for replace_parameter)
        fields = []

        def replace_parameter(match):
            field =

            # Build the ordered fields list
            if self.dialect.param_format.is_positional or field not in fields:

            # Return the field formatted for the param format type
            if self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.NAMED:
                return f":{field}"
            elif self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.PYFORMAT:
                return f"%({field})s"
            elif self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.QMARK:
                return "?"
            elif self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.NUMBERED:
                return f"${len(fields)}"
            else:  # self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.FORMAT:
                return "%s"

        # 1. Convert query to a string
        if isinstance(query, str):
            query_str = str(query)
        elif hasattr(query, "__iter__"):
            query_str = "\n".join(str(q) for q in walk(query))
            raise ValueError(f"Query has unsupported type: {type(query)}")

        # 2. Escape string parameters in the PYFORMAT param format
        if self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.PYFORMAT:
            # any % must be intended as literal and must be doubled
            query_str = query_str.replace("%", "%%")

        # 3. Replace the parameter with its dialect-specific representation
        pattern = r"(?<!\\):(\w+)\b"  # colon + word not preceded by a backslash
        query_str = re.sub(pattern, replace_parameter, query_str).strip()

        # 4. Un-escape remaining escaped colon params
        if self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.NAMED:
            # replace \:word with :word because the colon-escape is no longer needed.
            query_str = re.sub(r"\\:(\w+)\b", r":\1", query_str)

        # 5. Build the parameter_values dict or list for use with the query
        if self.dialect.param_format.is_positional:
            # parameter_values is a list of values
            parameter_values = [
                json.dumps(val) if isinstance(val, dict) else val
                for val in [data[field] for field in fields]
            # parameter_values is a dict of key:value fields
            parameter_values = {
                # (dict, set, tuple) for json/b, but list is for "IN / ANY()" params.
                key: json.dumps(val) if isinstance(val, (dict, set, tuple)) else val
                for key, val in {field: data[field] for field in fields}.items()

        # 6. Return a tuple formatted for this Dialect
        if self.dialect == Dialect.ASYNCPG:
            # asyncpg expects the parameters in a tuple following the query string.
            return tuple([query_str] + parameter_values)
            # other dialects expect the parameters in the second tuple item.
            return (query_str, parameter_values)

    def execute(
        self, connection: Any, query: str | Iterator, data: Optional[Mapping] = None
        Execute the given query on the connection and return the connection cursor.

        If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a
        convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.

        If `.execute()` is called with a previously-generated cursor, that cursor will
        be reused and the same cursor returned from the method call.

            connection (Connection | Cursor): A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection
                or cursor.
            query (str | Iterator): A query that will be rendered with the given data.
            data (Optional[Mapping]): A data mapping that will be rendered as params
                with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.

            cursor (Cursor): A DB-API 2.0 compliant database cursor.
            cursor = connection.execute(*self.render(query, data))
        except Exception as exc:
            # If the connection is a cursor, get the underlying connection to rollback,
            # because cursors don't have a rollback method.
            if hasattr(connection, "rollback"):
                except Exception:
            raise exc

        return cursor

    def select(
        connection: Any,
        query: str | Iterator,
        data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
        Execute the given query on the connection, and yield result records.

        The `.select()` method is a generator which iterates over a native database
        cursor. The results of the method can be cast to a list via `list(...)` or can
        be iterated through one at a time.

        If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a
        convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.

            connection (Connection | Cursor): A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection
                or cursor.
            query (str | Iterator): A query that will be rendered with the given data.
            data (Optional[Mapping]): A data mapping that will be rendered as params
                with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.
            Constructor (class): A constructor to use to build records from the results.
                The constructor must take the results of `zip(keys, values)` as its

            record (Mapping): A mapping object that contains a database record.
        cursor = self.execute(connection, query, data)
        fields = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
        for row in cursor:
            yield Constructor(**dict(zip(fields, row)))

    def select_one(
        connection: Any,
        query: str | Iterator,
        data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
        records =
            connection=connection, query=query, data=data, Constructor=Constructor
        for record in records:
            return record

    def select_all(
        connection: Any,
        query: str | Iterator,
        data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
        return list(
                connection=connection, query=query, data=data, Constructor=Constructor


Convenience methods for building dynamic queries.


>>> d = {"name": "Cheeseshop"}
>>> f"INSERT INTO tablename ({Q.fields(d)}) VALUES ({Q.params(d)})"
'INSERT INTO tablename (name) VALUES (:name)'
>>> f"SELECT ({Q.fields(d)}) FROM tablename WHERE {Q.filter('name')}"
'SELECT (name) FROM tablename WHERE name = :name'
>>> " ".join([
...     "UPDATE tablename SET",
...     Q.assigns(['name']),
...     "WHERE",
...     Q.filter('id'),
... ])
'UPDATE tablename SET name = :name WHERE id = :id'
>>> f"DELETE FROM tablename WHERE {Q.filter('name')}"
'DELETE FROM tablename WHERE name = :name'
Source code in sqly/
class Q:
    Convenience methods for building dynamic queries.

        >>> d = {"name": "Cheeseshop"}
        >>> f"INSERT INTO tablename ({Q.fields(d)}) VALUES ({Q.params(d)})"
        'INSERT INTO tablename (name) VALUES (:name)'
        >>> f"SELECT ({Q.fields(d)}) FROM tablename WHERE {Q.filter('name')}"
        'SELECT (name) FROM tablename WHERE name = :name'
        >>> " ".join([
        ...     "UPDATE tablename SET",
        ...     Q.assigns(['name']),
        ...     "WHERE",
        ...     Q.filter('id'),
        ... ])
        'UPDATE tablename SET name = :name WHERE id = :id'
        >>> f"DELETE FROM tablename WHERE {Q.filter('name')}"
        'DELETE FROM tablename WHERE name = :name'

    def keys(cls, fields: Iterable) -> list:
        Return a list of field names from the given iterator.

            fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
                names as keys.)

            (list): A list of field names

            >>> Q.keys({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
            ['id', 'name']
        return list(fields)

    def fields(cls, fields: Iterable) -> str:
        Render a comma-separated string of field names from the given fields. Use: E.g.,
        for dynamically specifying SELECT or INSERT field lists.

            fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
                names as keys.)

            (str): A comma-separated string of field names

            >>> Q.fields({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
            'id, name'
        return ", ".join(fields)

    def params(cls, fields: Iterable) -> str:
        Render a comma-separated list of parameters from the given fields. Use: E.g.,
        dynamically specifying INSERT parameter lists.

            fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
                names as keys.)

            (str): A comma-separated string of field names

            >>> Q.params({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
            ':id, :name'
        return ", ".join(f":{key}" for key in cls.keys(fields))

    def assigns(cls, fields: Iterable) -> str:
        Render a comma-separated list of assignments from the given fields. Use: E.g.,
        for dynamically specifying UPDATE field lists.

            fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
                names as keys.)

            (str): A comma-separated string of field `key = :key` assignments

            >>> Q.assigns({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
            'id = :id, name = :name'
        return ", ".join(f"{key} = :{key}" for key in cls.keys(fields))

    def filter(cls, field: str, *, op: Optional[str] = "="):
        Render a filter from the given field, optional operator, and optional value.

            field (str): The name of the field.
            op (str): The operator to use in the filter.

            (str): A comma-separated string of field names

            >>> Q.filter('id', op='>')
            'id > :id'
        return f"{field} {op} :{field}"

    def ANY(cls, field):
        Use ANY(...) for list parameters
        return f"{field} = ANY(:{field})"

ANY(field) classmethod

Use ANY(…) for list parameters

Source code in sqly/
def ANY(cls, field):
    Use ANY(...) for list parameters
    return f"{field} = ANY(:{field})"

assigns(fields) classmethod

Render a comma-separated list of assignments from the given fields. Use: E.g., for dynamically specifying UPDATE field lists.


Name Type Description Default
fields Iterable

An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field names as keys.)



Type Description

A comma-separated string of field key = :key assignments


>>> Q.assigns({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
'id = :id, name = :name'
Source code in sqly/
def assigns(cls, fields: Iterable) -> str:
    Render a comma-separated list of assignments from the given fields. Use: E.g.,
    for dynamically specifying UPDATE field lists.

        fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
            names as keys.)

        (str): A comma-separated string of field `key = :key` assignments

        >>> Q.assigns({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
        'id = :id, name = :name'
    return ", ".join(f"{key} = :{key}" for key in cls.keys(fields))

fields(fields) classmethod

Render a comma-separated string of field names from the given fields. Use: E.g., for dynamically specifying SELECT or INSERT field lists.


Name Type Description Default
fields Iterable

An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field names as keys.)



Type Description

A comma-separated string of field names


>>> Q.fields({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
'id, name'
Source code in sqly/
def fields(cls, fields: Iterable) -> str:
    Render a comma-separated string of field names from the given fields. Use: E.g.,
    for dynamically specifying SELECT or INSERT field lists.

        fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
            names as keys.)

        (str): A comma-separated string of field names

        >>> Q.fields({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
        'id, name'
    return ", ".join(fields)

filter(field, *, op='=') classmethod

Render a filter from the given field, optional operator, and optional value.


Name Type Description Default
field str

The name of the field.

op str

The operator to use in the filter.



Type Description

A comma-separated string of field names


>>> Q.filter('id', op='>')
'id > :id'
Source code in sqly/
def filter(cls, field: str, *, op: Optional[str] = "="):
    Render a filter from the given field, optional operator, and optional value.

        field (str): The name of the field.
        op (str): The operator to use in the filter.

        (str): A comma-separated string of field names

        >>> Q.filter('id', op='>')
        'id > :id'
    return f"{field} {op} :{field}"

keys(fields) classmethod

Return a list of field names from the given iterator.


Name Type Description Default
fields Iterable

An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field names as keys.)



Type Description

A list of field names


>>> Q.keys({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
['id', 'name']
Source code in sqly/
def keys(cls, fields: Iterable) -> list:
    Return a list of field names from the given iterator.

        fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
            names as keys.)

        (list): A list of field names

        >>> Q.keys({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
        ['id', 'name']
    return list(fields)

params(fields) classmethod

Render a comma-separated list of parameters from the given fields. Use: E.g., dynamically specifying INSERT parameter lists.


Name Type Description Default
fields Iterable

An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field names as keys.)



Type Description

A comma-separated string of field names


>>> Q.params({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
':id, :name'
Source code in sqly/
def params(cls, fields: Iterable) -> str:
    Render a comma-separated list of parameters from the given fields. Use: E.g.,
    dynamically specifying INSERT parameter lists.

        fields (Iterable): An iterable of field names. (Can be a Mapping with field
            names as keys.)

        (str): A comma-separated string of field names

        >>> Q.params({'id': 1, 'name': 'Mark'})
        ':id, :name'
    return ", ".join(f":{key}" for key in cls.keys(fields))

execute(self, connection, query, data=None)

Execute the given query on the connection and return the connection cursor.

If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.

If .execute() is called with a previously-generated cursor, that cursor will be reused and the same cursor returned from the method call.


Name Type Description Default
connection Connection | Cursor

A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection or cursor.

query str | Iterator

A query that will be rendered with the given data.

data Optional[Mapping]

A data mapping that will be rendered as params with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.



Type Description
cursor (Cursor)

A DB-API 2.0 compliant database cursor.

Source code in sqly/
def execute(
    self, connection: Any, query: str | Iterator, data: Optional[Mapping] = None
    Execute the given query on the connection and return the connection cursor.

    If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a
    convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.

    If `.execute()` is called with a previously-generated cursor, that cursor will
    be reused and the same cursor returned from the method call.

        connection (Connection | Cursor): A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection
            or cursor.
        query (str | Iterator): A query that will be rendered with the given data.
        data (Optional[Mapping]): A data mapping that will be rendered as params
            with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.

        cursor (Cursor): A DB-API 2.0 compliant database cursor.
        cursor = connection.execute(*self.render(query, data))
    except Exception as exc:
        # If the connection is a cursor, get the underlying connection to rollback,
        # because cursors don't have a rollback method.
        if hasattr(connection, "rollback"):
            except Exception:
        raise exc

    return cursor

render(self, query, data=None)

Render a query string and its parameters for this SQL dialect.


Name Type Description Default
query str | Iterator

a string or iterator of strings.

data Mapping

a keyword dict used to render the query parameters.



Type Description

the rendered query string. (tuple | dict): depends on the param format:

- positional param formats (QMARK, NUMBERED) return a tuple of values
- named param formats (NAMED, PYFORMAT) return a dict
Source code in sqly/
def render(self, query, data=None):
    Render a query string and its parameters for this SQL dialect.

        query (str | Iterator): a string or iterator of strings.
        data (Mapping): a keyword dict used to render the query parameters.

        (str): the rendered query string.
        (tuple | dict): depends on the param format:

            - positional param formats (QMARK, NUMBERED) return a tuple of values
            - named param formats (NAMED, PYFORMAT) return a dict
    # ordered list of fields for positional outputs (closure for replace_parameter)
    fields = []

    def replace_parameter(match):
        field =

        # Build the ordered fields list
        if self.dialect.param_format.is_positional or field not in fields:

        # Return the field formatted for the param format type
        if self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.NAMED:
            return f":{field}"
        elif self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.PYFORMAT:
            return f"%({field})s"
        elif self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.QMARK:
            return "?"
        elif self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.NUMBERED:
            return f"${len(fields)}"
        else:  # self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.FORMAT:
            return "%s"

    # 1. Convert query to a string
    if isinstance(query, str):
        query_str = str(query)
    elif hasattr(query, "__iter__"):
        query_str = "\n".join(str(q) for q in walk(query))
        raise ValueError(f"Query has unsupported type: {type(query)}")

    # 2. Escape string parameters in the PYFORMAT param format
    if self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.PYFORMAT:
        # any % must be intended as literal and must be doubled
        query_str = query_str.replace("%", "%%")

    # 3. Replace the parameter with its dialect-specific representation
    pattern = r"(?<!\\):(\w+)\b"  # colon + word not preceded by a backslash
    query_str = re.sub(pattern, replace_parameter, query_str).strip()

    # 4. Un-escape remaining escaped colon params
    if self.dialect.param_format == ParamFormat.NAMED:
        # replace \:word with :word because the colon-escape is no longer needed.
        query_str = re.sub(r"\\:(\w+)\b", r":\1", query_str)

    # 5. Build the parameter_values dict or list for use with the query
    if self.dialect.param_format.is_positional:
        # parameter_values is a list of values
        parameter_values = [
            json.dumps(val) if isinstance(val, dict) else val
            for val in [data[field] for field in fields]
        # parameter_values is a dict of key:value fields
        parameter_values = {
            # (dict, set, tuple) for json/b, but list is for "IN / ANY()" params.
            key: json.dumps(val) if isinstance(val, (dict, set, tuple)) else val
            for key, val in {field: data[field] for field in fields}.items()

    # 6. Return a tuple formatted for this Dialect
    if self.dialect == Dialect.ASYNCPG:
        # asyncpg expects the parameters in a tuple following the query string.
        return tuple([query_str] + parameter_values)
        # other dialects expect the parameters in the second tuple item.
        return (query_str, parameter_values)

select(self, connection, query, data=None, Constructor=<class 'dict'>)

Execute the given query on the connection, and yield result records.

The .select() method is a generator which iterates over a native database cursor. The results of the method can be cast to a list via list(...) or can be iterated through one at a time.

If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.


Name Type Description Default
connection Connection | Cursor

A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection or cursor.

query str | Iterator

A query that will be rendered with the given data.

data Optional[Mapping]

A data mapping that will be rendered as params with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.

Constructor class

A constructor to use to build records from the results. The constructor must take the results of zip(keys, values) as its argument.

<class 'dict'>


Type Description
record (Mapping)

A mapping object that contains a database record.

Source code in sqly/
def select(
    connection: Any,
    query: str | Iterator,
    data: Optional[Mapping] = None,
    Execute the given query on the connection, and yield result records.

    The `.select()` method is a generator which iterates over a native database
    cursor. The results of the method can be cast to a list via `list(...)` or can
    be iterated through one at a time.

    If the query fails: Rollback the connection and re-raise the exception, as a
    convenience to the user not to leave the connection in an unusable state.

        connection (Connection | Cursor): A DB-API 2.0 compliant database connection
            or cursor.
        query (str | Iterator): A query that will be rendered with the given data.
        data (Optional[Mapping]): A data mapping that will be rendered as params
            with the query. Optional, but required if the query contains parameters.
        Constructor (class): A constructor to use to build records from the results.
            The constructor must take the results of `zip(keys, values)` as its

        record (Mapping): A mapping object that contains a database record.
    cursor = self.execute(connection, query, data)
    fields = [d[0] for d in cursor.description]
    for row in cursor:
        yield Constructor(**dict(zip(fields, row)))